Difference Between One-Way Slab & Two-Way Slab

Difference Between One-Way Slab & Two-Way Slab

One-Way Slab:

  1. The ratio of longer span (L) to shorter span (B) is equal or greater than 2. thus L/B>=2 
  2. One way slab is supported by beams in only 2 sides.
  3. Main reinforcement is provided in only one direction for one way slab.   
  4. Depth require is more.
  5. Load distribution pattern in one way slab.

Two-Way Slab:

  1. The ratio of longer span (L) to shorter Span is less than 2. thus L/B<2
  2. Two Way slab is supported by beams in four side.
  3. Main reinforcement is provided in both the direction for two way slab. 
  4. Depth require is less.
  5. Load distribution pattern in two way slab.

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